LASIK Surgery in Israel

LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis), also known as the “glasses removal surgery”, is the most common eyesight correction surgery for patients suffering from myopia (up to -15 diopters), farsightedness (up to +4) and astigmatism (up to ±3). LASIK operations have been performed for over quarter a century; with the first such procedure taking place in the US in 1991.Over 100,000 Israelis have successfully undergone the operation during this period.
How is LASIK Surgery Performed?
The surgery is performed in 2 stages. First, the surgeon will create a thin corneal flap measuring about 8 mm in diameter using either a microsurgical tool called microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. They will then remove (ablate) microscopic amounts of stromal (underlying retina) tissue using an excimer laser. After the manipulation is complete, the flap is reinserted back into place.
The exact type of treatment depends on the condition: To correct myopia the cornea is flattened, to correct farsightedness it is made steeper, and in cases of astigmatism it is smoothed into a more regular shape.
The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and no stitches or bandaging are required.
Following a LASIK Operation
You will be able to leave the doctor’s office shortly after the completion of the procedure. You may initially experience some itching or burning, as well as blurred vision. This is perfectly normal and should clear by the following morning. Most patients report immediate improvement in their eyesight, however, it may also occur gradually, over a few weeks.
Contraindications for Laser Vision Correction:
The surgery is contraindicated for patients under 18 (as their eyes are still developing), women who are either pregnant or breastfeeding, and patients with only one eye. Additionally, certain medical conditions such as autoimmune diseases or herpes, and ophthalmologic disorders such as glaucoma, insufficient corneal thickness, keratoconus or cataract also render sufferers ineligible for the procedure.